Monday, April 28, 2008

Icelandic food

It wouldn‘t be a real trip home without some great food to eat. On Thursday my brother went with his father-in-law hunting on his fishing boat. Usually they catch fish but this time they hunted seabirds. My brother then brought us 5 birds that he shot, 2 Lundi (Puffin) and 3 Álka (Razorbill).

My dad and I then made the birds ready for cooking. This is kind of a father-daughter tradition of ours since at Christmas we always do this together only with another type of bird, Rjúpa (Ptarmigan).

The birds then ended up on our plates.

The other day we ate fish, Rauðspretta (European plaice)

And yesterday it was of course Icelandic lamb

Tomorrow (well, actually today) I‘m going to Wien again. Can‘t wait to be greated by the Österreichischer Frühling.

This food-post is dedicated to Simone :)

Bis bald,


Anonymous said...

Hæ Helga mín!

Guð hvað ég varð svöng eftir íslenskum mat þegar ég las færsluna þína! Ohhh...!

Ég vissi ekki að maður skyti lunda. Ég hélt að þeir væru veiddir í stór net (sbr. Vestmannaeyjar). Alltaf lærir maður eitthvað nýtt :)

Og gott að grænmetisætur eru ekki búin að gagnrýna þig fyrir dýramisþyrmingu ;)

bestustu kveðjur frá Beijing
Helga Björk

Helga Björk said...

Jú, Lundar eru víst líka skotnir. En það er frekar erfitt því þeir eru svo litlir.

Anonymous said...

OH, MY GOD ! ! !

Now, I see you as a complete different person... why are you so mean to those sweet lil birds??? You need food, I´ve got good contacts to the world food program, I mean the price for rice rose a lot, but not that much, that you couldn´t afford it, could you????

stick to fish ! ! !

Helga Björk said...

Pete, don't be such a baby! ;)